supernatural thriller Archives - dED and BURYd Home of the band dED and BURYd Wed, 07 Feb 2024 16:13:48 +0000 en-US hourly 1 supernatural thriller Archives - dED and BURYd 32 32 Crooked Picture Thu, 07 Dec 2023 23:47:47 +0000 The night cloaks me in darkness as I tread along the desolate dirt road. There’s an unsettling stillness in the air, a heaviness that hangs as I move forward. The crunching of gravel beneath my boots and the distant howl of a lone wolf are the only sounds in this eerie part of the woods. […]

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The night cloaks me in darkness as I tread along the desolate dirt road. There’s an unsettling stillness in the air, a heaviness that hangs as I move forward. The crunching of gravel beneath my boots and the distant howl of a lone wolf are the only sounds in this eerie part of the woods. I stay focused, watching for lights. If someone sees me, they will likely call the authorities at this time of night.

A figure emerges from the shadows, a jogger dressed in a tracksuit, approaching with an odd intensity. His grin widens as he matches my pace effortlessly, a puppeteer pulling invisible strings. Unease crawls up my spine as I quicken my steps, but he mirrors my movements, his grin never faltering.

“Good evening,” he greets, his voice unnaturally smooth. I nod, uneasy under his piercing gaze. The jogger continues his unsettling grin, undeterred by my unease. “You know,” he says, his voice taking on a strange, almost sing-song quality, “fitness is the key to unlocking the true potential of the body. The body is a vessel, and through disciplined exercise, we can attain a higher state of being.”

His words feel like a jarring contrast to the eerie atmosphere surrounding us. As he relentlessly talks about fitness, I listen with a growing sense of dread. The darkness seems to amplify his words, turning them into a sinister chant.

Interrupting his fitness discourse, I feel compelled to share the tale of the Rain Witch. “There’s a place not far from here,” I say, my voice steady but edged with a newfound intensity, “where a witch dwells. She’s a master of tears from the heavens. Rain falls indoors, a cascade of sorrow.” Now, I laugh deeply at the sky!

The jogger’s grin falters for a moment, his eyes narrowing. “What nonsense is this?” he scoffs.

But I press on, weaving the tale of the Rain Witch and her haunting laughter that leads to madness. The air thickens with an otherworldly tension as I speak, and the jogger’s confidence wanes.

Suddenly, without warning, my hands move with a will of their own. In a swift motion, I draw a concealed knife and plunge it into the jogger’s side. He gasps, his eyes widening in shock and pain.

“I’ve had enough of your tales,” I declare, my voice sounding foreign to my ears. “The Rain Witch demands a sacrifice, and you’re the chosen one.”

As the jogger crumples to the ground, gasping for breath, I watch the life drain from his eyes. The night is silent again, save for the dying gasps of the jogger beneath me, creating a beautiful, crooked picture.

Leaving behind the lifeless form, I resume my walk down the dirt road, the weight of the encounter settling on my shoulders. The whispers of the Rain Witch linger as I fade into the darkness.

Crooked Picture


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Eclipsed Secrets – A Short Story Thu, 27 Jul 2023 22:46:40 +0000 Shadows in the Night In the eerie twilight of dusk, the moon’s pale light began to cast haunting shadows. A winding road carved its way through the dark woods, leading Emma and her newfound companion, Alessio, to the outskirts of a large, isolated property. The moon hung low in the sky, bathing the surroundings in […]

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Shadows in the Night

In the eerie twilight of dusk, the moon’s pale light began to cast haunting shadows. A winding road carved its way through the dark woods, leading Emma and her newfound companion, Alessio, to the outskirts of a large, isolated property. The moon hung low in the sky, bathing the surroundings in a soft glow. Emma’s heart fluttered with excitement and concern as they neared the home of her brother, Oliver, whom she had not seen in years.

“Oh, Alessio, I can’t believe we’re finally here,” Emma exclaimed, feeling nostalgic. “It’s been so long since I last saw Oliver. I hope he’s doing good.”

Alessio’s eyes gleamed with scholarly fascination, the light reflecting off his glasses as he enthusiastically replied, “Indeed, Emma. This is a fortuitous occasion, as our visit coincides with a celestial event of great significance. A penumbral lunar eclipse will unfold soon. Can you believe it? An astronomical wonder we can watch from your brother’s house!”

He couldn’t resist sharing his passion for astronomy, even when emotions ran high for Emma. His frail frame seemed to quiver with excitement, and his fingers traced patterns in the air, mirroring the celestial motions he so dearly admired.

Emma smiled, her mind focused on the impending reunion with her brother. “Yes, Alessio, it’s quite extraordinary. But let’s not forget why we’re here. I really hope Oliver will be happy to see us.”

As they approached the house, the dense woods seemed to envelop them, accentuating the isolation of Oliver’s home. An owl hooted from afar, and the leaves rustled gently in the night breeze. The once serene woods now seemed to conspire with the shadows to create an atmosphere mirroring the unease festering in Emma’s heart.

In the distance, they spotted a shadowy figure carrying something hefty. Although curiosity tugged at Emma’s mind, Alessio’s eager explanation about the astrological marvel ahead diverted her attention. She suppressed the urge to ask questions, deciding to address them later.

The house loomed larger with each step, revealing its worn but sturdy facade. Oliver’s voice echoed through the night, guiding them to an alternative path to the entrance.

“Come around the side, guys! I’ll meet you there,” Oliver’s voice called out. Emma smiled softly as Oliver’s voice blended warmth and anticipation.

Emma and Alessio did what Oliver said and walked along the path to the rear of the house, where Emma’s heart skipped a beat as she caught sight of her brother. Something seemed awry, but her apprehension vanished when Alessio’s animated chatter returned her attention to the impending penumbral eclipse.

“Emma, look! Take note of how the moon looks now to appreciate better the subtle luminescence that will be veiled during the eclipse. It’s a rare and fascinating occurrence!” Alessio gushed, barely containing his excitement.

Magda forced a smile and looked up, her mind drifting between the celestial wonders and the enigmatic figure of her brother.

Dance of Darkness

The atmosphere around Oliver’s house felt charged with an intangible tension as Emma and Alessio approached the rear entrance. Emma’s instincts seemed to tug at her, hinting that something was amiss, but she chose to dismiss the feeling as mere jitters from their long journey.

Looking to be engrossed in some activity, Oliver glanced up momentarily as they arrived but then returned to his mysterious task. For a moment, it seemed he was carrying a heavy object wrapped in cloth. However, neither Emma nor Alessio appeared to take notice or care.

“Oliver, it’s so good to see you!” Emma called out, her voice carrying a mix of warmth and concern. “How have you been all these years? I’ve missed you.”

Oliver’s response was sincere but restrained, his eyes avoiding direct contact as he replied, “Emma, it’s been a while. I’m glad you made it, but I hope you understand the risks of being here.”

Alessio, too engrossed in setting up his astronomical equipment, hardly noticed Oliver’s demeanor. With an air of scholarly enthusiasm, he unfolded his tripod and aligned his telescope toward the sky. “Ah, yes! The penumbral eclipse shall grace the heavens soon. A spectacle to behold!” he said while fiddling with the telescope’s focus.

Emma’s eyes darted between Oliver and Alessio, a sense of unease lingering. Her brother seemed on edge, while Alessio was immersed in his nerdy world of astronomy, as if oblivious to the undercurrents surrounding them.

Trying to be cordial despite his inner turmoil, Oliver started a grill and tried to look relaxed. “I bet you’re hungry. How about some hamburgers?” he suggested, attempting to keep the conversation light.

As the smell of cooking filled the air, Emma changed to a more serious topic, “Oliver, I was worried about you after all the news of those gruesome murders nearby. Are you safe out here?”

Oliver’s face tensed momentarily, and he evaded her gaze before offering a carefully worded response, “It’s wild creatures in these woods that are causing the problem. I’ve managed to stay safe so far, but it’s best if you and your new friend leave after you eat.”

Still fumbling with his astronomy equipment, Alessio casually said, “Oh, I wouldn’t worry too much, Emma. Oliver’s a capable man, and tonight’s event is too extraordinary to miss. We shall be well on our way after we witness the eclipse’s marvel.”

As the conversation continued, the subtle tension in the air seemed to heighten. Oliver’s eagerness for Emma and Alessio to depart contrasted starkly with Alessio’s nonchalance, sparking further unease in Emma’s heart.

Under the Moon’s Gaze

The night sky gradually embraced the penumbral eclipse as the moon began to slip into Earth’s faint shadow. Alessio, fully immersed in his astronomical fervor, was meticulously adjusting his telescope to capture the celestial event with unparalleled precision. Emma watched her brother closely, attempting to discern the troubled emotions lurking beneath his seemingly composed demeanor. Despite her concerns, she tried to maintain an air of normalcy, wanting to rekindle the bond with Oliver that time and distance had slowly eroded.

Although anxious for his sister to leave, Oliver played the friendly host, continuing to offer food and drinks to his guests while they waited for the celestial alignment to unfold. As Alessio enthusiastically talked about the nuances of the astronomical event, Oliver listened with feigned interest, concealing his inner turmoil and the dark secret he so desperately wanted to protect. The atmosphere grew increasingly scary as the moon’s glow dimmed, subtly transforming the landscape into a hauntingly ethereal scene. Shadows crept across the property, taking on the shapes of monsters and adding to the uncertainty that engulfed the trio.

Alessio’s excitement peaked as the penumbral eclipse began, and he couldn’t contain his scientific exuberance. “This is truly extraordinary!” he exclaimed. “The Earth’s penumbral shadow is gently caressing the lunar surface, ever so subtly darkening its luminosity. Isn’t it simply breathtaking?”

Emma nodded, though, between the mesmerizing cosmic display and their reunion’s unsettling undertones, her thoughts were distant. She exchanged glances with Oliver, who appeared to be growing more restless by the minute. At the same time, Alessio’s telescope captured every nuance of the strange event as his joyous exclamations reverberated in the night air.

However, as the penumbral eclipse neared its end, Oliver’s anxiety escalated, and he felt the overwhelming urge to flee. The moon’s hazy outline, now veiled by the Earth’s penumbra, seemed to mirror the shadows encroaching upon his heart.

“It’s time to leave,” Oliver asserted, his voice tinged with urgency. “You’ve got to get going now, for your safety and mine.”

Alessio casually brushed off the suggestion, seemingly oblivious to the turmoil building within Oliver. “Oh, come on now, Oliver,” he retorted, “there’s no need to rush. We can stay a little longer to observe the celestial aftermath.”

Emma sensed the tension between the two men, her heart pounding as she struggled to make sense of their conflicting reactions. Oliver’s agitation was palpable, and she feared that a storm was brewing beneath the surface.

“No, Alessio!” Oliver’s voice rose, bordering on desperation. “You don’t understand. You need to leave—now!”

At that moment, as the penumbral eclipse ended, the delicate balance of the night shattered, and Oliver’s internal struggle took a terrifying turn. With the moon reclaiming its luminous brilliance, the shadows within Oliver surged and unleashed the beast within him. The once-composed man transformed into a fearsome werewolf with snarls echoing through the woods. Alessio, who had taken an interest in celestial wonders, was now faced with a terrifying reality far beyond the scope of his telescopic lenses.

However, in an instant, the true identity of Alessio, the seemingly frail astronomer, was unveiled. He was the malevolent Overseer, and Emma was a pawn in his wicked game to capture him. With the moon’s return to its full splendor, he wielded an umbrella crafted with special filters to shield himself from the moonlight, leaving Oliver powerless against his dominance.

“I am the Overseer, the ruler of darkness,” Alessio proclaimed with an eerie, sinister smile. “And you, Oliver, shall now bend to my will.”

The night took an even darker turn as the celestial dance in the skies mirrored the sinister dance of shadows and secrets on the ground, which sealed Oliver’s fate. Emma could only watch in horror as her brother became a slave to the same evil force that had trapped her.

And so, under the watchful gaze of a moon, free yet encased in shadows, the three figures disappeared into the night, forever bound by secrets, power, and the celestial mysteries that shaped their destinies.

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