
dED and BURYd

  • The Chosen One

    The Chosen One Have you ever thought about joining a secret society? My Downfall I was applying for a bunch of jobs online at the time because I had lost mine. My girlfriend had left me, so I wasn’t going to be able to afford my little stacked trailer of a home, no matter how…

  • Crooked Picture

    The night cloaks me in darkness as I tread along the desolate dirt road. There’s an unsettling stillness in the air, a heaviness that hangs as I move forward. The crunching of gravel beneath my boots and the distant howl of a lone wolf are the only sounds in this eerie part of the woods.…

  • The Stalker

    The forest closes in around me, its ancient whispers weaving through the gnarled branches overhead. I find myself walking alone in the inky darkness of the woods on this moonless night. The dense canopy swallows any stray beams of light, leaving me to navigate through the labyrinth of twisted trees like a wild animal. In…

  • Break Away

    The fluorescent lights hum overhead in the Whispering Willow Sanitarium, casting a sterile glow on the linoleum floors. I crouch behind a metal cart, my breath measured and shallow. Though late, the night is anything but silent, filled instead with the continuous hum of activity resonating throughout the facility. The faint footsteps of the night…

  • Macabre Watusi

    Hello, Everyone. This is Ed, I wanted to let you know about our newest song, Macabre Watusi. It’s available on all streaming platforms, and you can get to many of them easily by going to Our Links at the top of the page. For this song, I wanted to do something a little different and…

  • Eclipsed Secrets – A Short Story

    Shadows in the Night In the eerie twilight of dusk, the moon’s pale light began to cast haunting shadows. A winding road carved its way through the dark woods, leading Emma and her newfound companion, Alessio, to the outskirts of a large, isolated property. The moon hung low in the sky, bathing the surroundings in…

  • We’re the Same Official Video

    Overall, it kind of reminds us of an old Black Sabbath video, and the fun we’re having is a nice contrast to the more serious lyrics. We hope you agree! Check out our lyric video for the same song!

  • 2023 Spartan Race

    Hello everyone, this is Ed Malaker from dED and BURYd, and today I want to tell you about a Spartan race Frank and I entered and completed on June 18th, 2023. The race took place in Bethel, NY, about an hour from my home in Carbondale, PA. While I realized the race was in Bethel…

  • We’re the Same Lyric Video

    Hello Everyone, this is Ed from dED and BURYd, and I’m inviting you to check out our lyric video for our song We’re the Same. We released this video on June 22, 2023. It features a spooky scene at night where a masked killer stares out at you as you walk by. Lyrics At a…

  • We’re the Same

    Hello Everyone, this is Ed from dED and BURYd, and I want to introduce our song titled We’re the Same, which came out on June 6th, 2023. It’s a little heavier than our last few songs and is more of a Rock or Punk song. I’m proud of the guitar solos, and Frank put everything…

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