
The Stalker

The Stalker

The forest closes in around me, its ancient whispers weaving through the gnarled branches overhead. I find myself walking alone in the inky darkness of the woods on this moonless night. The dense canopy swallows any stray beams of light, leaving me to navigate through the labyrinth of twisted trees like a wild animal. In the heart of this wilderness, an unexpected glow catches my eye.

Drawn to the glow like a moth to a flame, I stumble upon a small clearing where a modest cottage emits a soft light in the darkness. A figure moves gracefully inside, and my heart quickens at the sight of a mysterious girl living alone in the heart of the forest. With cascading ebony hair and a haunting beauty, she dances through the dimly lit room. I watch, hidden in the shadows, captivated by her every move. The allure of the enigmatic girl pulls me in, and I become a silent spectator to her nocturnal rituals. I watch as she dances with the shadows, an otherworldly energy enveloping her like a cloak. I find myself entranced, unable to tear myself away from the cottage. I become obsessed.

Curiosity consumes me entirely, and I give in to the irresistible urge and creep silently into her abode. The air inside is thick with enchantment, and the only sound is the rhythmic sound of the lovely enchantress breathing. I move like a phantom through the room, examining the artifacts that adorn her living space. But as I approach her slumbering form, something shifts in the air. The room seems to close in around me, and the walls whisper.

Suddenly, the beautiful woman stirs in her sleep, her eyes opening to reveal a knowing glint. The air crackles with an energy that wasn’t there before. “You weren’t supposed to find this place,” she murmurs, her voice carrying a weight of power that chills me to the bone. Before I can react, the room transforms into a surreal dreamscape. The walls undulate with a magical force, and the air is thick with an otherworldly presence. The woman rises gracefully from her bed, her gaze locking onto mine with an intensity that paralyzes me.

“You sought what you should not have,” she declares, her every word dripping with ancient authority. “For that, you shall get what you do not want.”

Panic courses through my veins as the room seems to fold in on itself. The forest beyond the windows becomes a tapestry of shadows and the boundaries between reality and enchantment blur. The woman swipes her hand, and ghostly chains tighten around me, pulling me into a vortex of swirling magic.

In an instant, I find myself standing in the heart of the ancient woods, but this is no longer the world I once knew. I realize with a sinking feeling that I am now a prisoner of the beautiful woman. She appears before me, her form now a manifestation of both beauty and power. “You sought to possess, but instead, you shall serve,” she declares, her voice echoing through the haunted forest. “You are bound to me, forever at my mercy.”

The woman fades into the shadows, leaving me alone in the perpetual dance of moonlight and shadows. The cottage, now a distant memory, stands as a silent testament to the fate that befalls those who dare to covet the mysterious girl living alone in the heart of the forest.

I know I will hear from her again.

The Stalker Song

START AT THE BEGINNING – https://dedandburyd.com/2023/11/10/break-away/

Next Story – https://dedandburyd.com/2023/12/07/crooked-picture/

Listen to more music here: https://dedandburyd.com/our-links/


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